CWA Opens New Round of Pockets & Prospects Funding

The Community Woodlands Association is delighted to announce that funding has been approved to deliver a further round of Pockets & Prospects. We have up to £7,500 for projects carried out by CWA members that contribute to enhanced well-being for deprived communities by providing opportunities for outdoor volunteering and/or delivering benefits for physical and mental health.

Grants of up to £1,000 are available to member organisations. We may be able to contribute if your project is larger - please get in touch to discuss.

Money to be spent by 31st March 2023, but if your project involves seasonal woodland work that goes beyond that date then a strong justification may result in support.

Possible activities may include

·        Costs of setting up and running volunteer groups (tools, PPE etc)

·        Training for group members to work with volunteers

·        Outreach and promotion opportunities

This is not an exclusive list other ideas are welcome and to discuss please contact or

Work must be targeted in areas of greatest need, usually quantified using Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), useful mapping tool here. Your woodland does not need to be in a highly deprived SIMD area, but you will need to demonstrate that your activities will benefit people who live in these areas.

Other criteria

·        Project needs to be new or an extension to your activities to work with a new group of people.

·        Your group must be a current member of CWA.

·        Groups that received funding from earlier rounds of Pockets & Prospects may apply again but it must be for a new project.

Applications (no more than 4 sides of A4 including a timetable for the project) will be dealt with on a rolling basis, ie as soon as they arrive, with an overall deadline of 30th November.

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