The How, Why and What of Tree Seed Collection
Past Event - see recording below
This session is led by a variety of CWA partners and members, who share their experiences about the How, Why and What of Seed Collection.
Dave MacIntyre, from Elsoms Trees Ltd, discusses seed collection of the spring seed producing species such as Willow, Elm and Gean
Craig Shearer, from Elsoms Trees Ltd, shares different methods for collecting seeds
Tasha Fyffe, from the Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust tells us about their experiences of seed collecting in their woodland
Steve Blow at Cairngorm Connect, talks about seed collection for conservation, particularly regarding upland sites and collection of seed from some of the rarer species
Rick Worrell, a retired forestry consultant, with expertise in the growing of hardwood for quality timber, shares his experience with hardwood improvement projects, and the importance of seed collection