Funding support
We are incredibly grateful to the Scottish Community Alliance (SCA) who, via their Community Learning Exchange (CLE) fund, are supporting CWA members to participate in the learning exchanges on the Saturday, offered as part of our Annual Conference.
To access the funding, you:
must be a CWA member, either through being actively involved with a member Community Woodland Group, or as an individual member
must attend the Saturday of the Conference (5th October) which includes a learning exchange site visit to one of the local community woodlands in or near Inverness (4 options are on offer)
must be prepared to fund the purchase of a Conference ticket – the CLE fund covers travel, subsistence and accommodation costs associated with attending the learning exchange (local woodland site visit) on the Saturday, but does not cover the cost of the Conference ticket itself.
Applying for CLE Funding
CLE funding is ONLY available for Saturday’s attendance at Conference, as the learning exchange site visits are on the Saturday. Regardless of whether you are attending conference both days or solely Saturday, the financial support only applies to the Saturday.
If home to venue distance is extensive and you require an overnight stay on the Friday and/or Saturday, you may seek funding for both night’s accommodation.
No funding will be offered for accommodation or sustenance on the Thursday night prior to Conference.
You must purchase a Conference ticket first, before you apply directly to the CLE fund: Community Learning Exchange fund
You can apply for CLE funding in advance of purchasing your accommodation, travel etc. but if underestimated, you cannot then request additional funding to cover the difference. Any underspend of the funding you are awarded must be returned to the SCA. Please note it can take up to 3 weeks to process applications and release funds, so best to secure your Conference ticket quickly
Accommodation (Friday and/or Saturday), if required, must cost no more than £100 per person/night
Following the Conference:
A completed expenses form and receipts must be submitted to the SCA within 2 weeks of the Conference
You must provide the SCA with feedback about the Saturday morning woodland site visit - the impact it has had on you, and how your own woodland will benefit from your learning because of the visit. Feedback can be provided in a variety of ways including, a short statement or a quote, a Tweet using #LocalPeopleLead, photos (with relevant permissions) or a short film
All funding applications to the SCA will be passed to CWA for endorsement prior to any funding being made available. If you have any other questions, email: