Tree Identification

11th March 2025. 5.30-7.00pm. Online 

CWA are delighted to share an exciting virtual session with you! 

Piers Voysey, our Woodland Officer, would like to support your understanding and knowledge of tree identification by offering you the opportunity to join him in this exciting virtual session.  

This session will take a slightly different approach to our usual sessions, whereby you are invited to complete a bit of homework first! Please explore some, or all, of the resources below to help you familiarise yourself with the tree identification process. Then, join Piers in the session on the 11th March, for a more interactive approach to tree identification. Piers suggests, at the session, you bring along any questions you might have about tree ID, or if there are specific examples where you are struggling to clearly identify a tree, then bring a cutting to share via on-screen camera, and he can help you identify them.  We can also explore some Plant ID Apps and some Plant ID keys in more detail.  

So, if you’re stuck identifying some trees in your woodland, or even in your back garden, then please do join us.

These are useful pre-session resources: