CWA Membership

CWA has around 200 members across our group and individual membership categories. To view who and where our Community Woodland Group Members are, have a look at our Members Map. You can read about the benefits of membership here.

Membership runs from the 1st May to the 30th April the following year.

Joining part-way through the membership year?

  • Applications received up to December 31st - the full membership fee will apply for the current membership year

  • Applications received between January 1st and 30th April - the full membership fee will apply, but membership will run through to April 30th the following year (so up to 16 months of membership on joining , rather than the usual 12 months)

    Membership renewal invitations are sent out annually in April

Individual Membership

Full voting membership of CWA is restricted to community-led organisations. Individual members do not have a vote but can serve as Directors if nominated by a voting member organisation.

Individual membership costs £15 per year.

To apply, please:

  1. Complete and submit the Individual Membership application form

  2. Pay here

    If you require the form in a different format, please email us at .

Group Membership

Voting membership of CWA is open to community woodlands groups (defined as any democratic, community-led organisation engaged in aspects of woodland management on their own or in partnership with others).

CWA’s group membership structure is based on the group’s annual turnover (income).

  • Small Group (turnover less than £1,000): annual membership £15 per year

  • Medium Group (turnover between £1,000 and £30,000): annual membership £40 per year

  • Large Group (turnover over £30,000): annual membership £65 per year

To apply, please:

  1. Complete and submit the Group Membership application form

  2. Pay here

    If you require the form in a different format, please email us at .

Associate Membership

Associate Membership costs £125 per year. Please contact: