Preparing and writing a request for tenders/ an invitation to tender

Past Event - see recording below

This session was delivered by Piers Voysey - CWA’s Senior Woodland Officer. It takes you through some of the key things to include in a request for tenders, preparing a detailed specification for a job and, some of the different situations where you might ask for tenders. These vary from discrete one-off projects, such as designing and producing threshold signs to harvesting contracts and long-term woodland management services agreements.

Reference will be made to Community Woodlands and Private Sector Forest Companies ( and to our growing suite of resources for community groups; Templates (+other useful forms) — Community Woodlands Association (

If groups out there would like to share good examples of tender specifications and tender invitations with other community groups, please do send them to Piers, who can redact sensitive information and add them to the folder of templates on our website.