Understanding Carbon and Ecological Systems, and alternatives for funding
Past Event - watch recording below
This virtual session was organised to support our members understanding and learning of carbon credits, and what they mean to community woodland groups.
The session features:
The role of Woodland Carbon Code in creating new woodlands – Iain Laidlaw, Woodland Trust
Getting started with carbon credits and carbon sequestration – Angela Williams, from Tarras Valley Nature Reserve, will give a short talk on Tarras Valley’s limited experience so far and what issues it has raised for them as a community landowner.
Mull and Iona Community – accredited for ecological payments – Moray Finch will share the experience of Mull and Iona Community as they worked towards accreditation.
The pros and cons for community groups of engaging with the carbon market – Willie McGhee, CWA’s Chair of the Board will round of this virtual session with some reflection on carbon credits and what these can mean for woodland groups.