Workshop: A Beginner’s Guide to Trees & Carbon, 29 November, 10.30-11.30

The Community Woodlands Association is hosting a free, online workshop to help members, staff and directors of community woodland groups understand how trees and woodlands work in the carbon cycle. The session will include an overview of carbon and carbon dioxide and the relationships with wood, leaves and soil. This will enable you to become canny customers if exploring carbon trading and provides essential background to understanding your woodland. We will also touch on possibilities of income generation through carbon trading. There will be opportunity for discussion and questions during the session. The event will take place on Zoom. Please email to register.

Speaker biography

Willie McGhee is a practicing forester who has worked in commercial and community forestry since 1990. He was a founding Director of the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Management and worked overseas developing the Plan Vivo carbon trading system with local communities and farmers groups. He was Director of Borders Forest Trust from 1996 to 2011, a Trustee and latterly Chair of Scottish Power’s Green Energy Trust (2002-2018), and is a founding member of the Forest Policy Group (2008-present). He is an advocate of community forestry and works as a forestry consultant on community land ownership.


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