Call for members' input to the CWA response to the FLS Draft Communities Strategy Consultation

Forestry & Land Scotland (FLS) is inviting comments on its draft Communities Strategy until 23 August. This is an important document that relates to the strategy for engaging communities in forest plan proposals, renewable energy projects on the National Estate, the Community Asset Transfer Scheme and how FLS management relates to tourism and contractors.

CWA would encourage community woodland groups to respond to this consultation highlighting the things that are working well with FLS in your area, explaining what is right, and if there are issues, highlighting how or why things could be better; mindful that this is a strategy, not an action plan document!

We would also welcome your contribution to the CWA response which is being co-ordinated by Gordon Gray Stephens. A working draft of the CWA response can be found here. If you would like to add to it, or have any comments, please do get in touch by Wednesday 17 August with We aim to circulate a finalised response a day or two before the deadline of 23 August.

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