Published: CWA Native Woods Project Findings
The CWA Native Woods project liaised with four diverse Scottish community woodland groups to identify and showcase the economic and social benefits of native woodlands. The project produced four case studies and a series of short films, which are now available here.
Community woodland groups own or manage a wide range of woodland types to deliver an even wider range of benefits to build sustainable, resilient and vibrant communities. With a tendency to polarisation in Scottish forestry between conifer plantations - seen as delivering economic benefits; and native woodlands - often considered purely in terms of environmental outcomes, we explored the economic and social benefits from native woodlands.
This project produced a suite of case studies and films to:
ensure greater awareness of the potential economic and social benefits of native woodland management;
increase understanding of the role and value of community woodlands amongst decision-makers across a wide range of agendas;
provide effective promotional tools for the community woodland sector, increasing awareness of the value of both woodlands and community ownership.
You can now download all four case studies and watch all the films here.