CWA Conference 2019: Chatelherault Country Park 28/29 September - book now!

Booking is now open for the 2019 CWA conference which will be held at Chatelherault Country Park, South Lanarkshire on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 September.

The conference schedule is below. Information on transport and accommodation is available here. As in previous years we anticipate being able to support T&S costs for delegates from member groups, although we are not able to commit to meet all costs. The conference will incorporate the CWA Annual General Meeting: AGM papers, including Director nomination and proxy voting forms, were sent out at the end of July.
Please contact Jon Hollingdale if you have any questions or are unable to book through Eventbrite.

Saturday 28th September
9.15 Registration opens
10.00 Conference starts
10.10 Keynote: Keith Geddes, Chair, Central Scotland Green Network Trust
10.35 Malcolm Muir, South Lanarkshire Council: Managing Chatelherault Country Park
11.00 Jon Hollingdale, CWA: thePockets and Prospects and Making Local Woods Work Projects.
11.20 Tea/coffee
11.40 Workshops:
Community engagement and consultation: Fiona Garven, Scottish Community Development Centre
Woodland creation and the Woodland Carbon Code: Pat Snowdon, Scottish Forestry
Encouraging responsible public access: Richard Armstrong, Paths for All
13.00 Networking lunch
14.00 Site visits to local community woodlands:
Malls Mire - Urban Roots Initiative
Castlemilk Park - Cassiltoun Trust
K-Woods - East Kilbride Community Trust
17.30 CWA AGM
19.00 Conference dinner

Sunday 29th September
9.30 Registration
10.00 Presentations from community woodland groups, including
The Children’s Wood (Glasgow): Emily Cutts
The Vat Run (S Queensferry): Iwan Thomas
The Three Hares Community Woodland (Midlothian): Alice Brawley
Evanton Wood Community Company (Easter Ross): Douglas Wilson
11.20 Tea/coffee
11.40 Interactive session: The Big Climate Conversation
13.00 Lunch and conference close

Jen Pittendreigh