CWA Annual Conference & AGM 2021: 1 & 2 October (site visits & online)

The CWA Annual Conference 2021 will include in-person site visits & networking (Friday 1 Oct) & an online programme (Saturday 2 Oct).

The Conference programme runs over 2 days: you are welcome to join us for the whole event or just for the sessions that interest you. There is no limit on the number of delegates from a CWA member community woodland group. The event is free but you have the option when booking to make a donation to CWA to help contribute to our running costs.

To register, go to

The conference will incorporate the CWA AGM, at 2.30pm on Saturday 2nd October

AGM booklet (agenda, proposals, proxy form, Director nomination form)

Draft minute of 2020 AGM

CWA Achievements and Performance 2020-21

CWA Accounts 2020-21 for approval

Conference Programme

Provisional schedule: Friday 1 October (in person - based at Carrbridge Hotel, Cairngorms)

9.30 Registration & refreshments at the Carrbridge Hotel.

10.00 Depart to morning site visits: either Strathnairn Community Woodland or Rothiemurchus Estate

The community of Strathnairn took over the ownership of School and Milton woods in Farr in 2003.  School Wood (approx. 12 hectares) sits immediately behind Farr Primary School and features a mix of trees which offer a habitat for woodpeckers, red squirrels, foxes, bats, badgers as well as a good variety of plants, mosses, lichens and fungi. The visit, led by Davy Thompson of Strathnairn Community Woodlands, will take in the well-used network of paths and the impressive wood cabin which is used as a class room or for private functions.
Rothiemurchus is a special and beautiful place in the Highlands of Scotland, at the heart of the Cairngorms National Park. Over the years Rothiemurchus has developed a huge range of activities to complement the management of the estate: our visit will look at their busy retail outlets and the stunning Loch an Eilein, and hear about their distinctive style of visitor management.

1.00 Lunch at Carrbridge Hotel

2.00 Depart to afternoon site visits: either Anagach Woods Trust or Laggan Forest Trust

Anagach Woods is a 382ha community owned, native pine woodland on the edge of Grantown on Spey, which was acquired by the Anagach Woods Trust in 2002. There is a well-used network of trails and the wood is popular with orienteers and mountain bikers, with a dedicated mtb skills area. It is also home to capercaillie, and the site visit, led by Matthew Hawkins of AWT, will reflect on how the Trust manage this beautiful woodland for a mix of social and environmental objectives.
The Laggan Forest Trust was established in 1998 and entered a pioneering partnership with the Forestry Commission, seeking to safeguard local employment. Over the years the focus has shifted from forest management to visitor services but rural development objectives remain central to the Trust’s work. The visit, led by Cristian Pizarro, LFT Business Development Officer, will showcase the Trust’s 19ha of woodland and the Laggan Wolftrax Centre, which opened in April 2015 to provide permanent facilities for the established mountain biking trails. The centre, currently being extended, includes public toilets and showers, a café, a bike hire shop and the LFT office.

5.00 Return to Carrbridge Hotel

Saturday 2 October (online)

10.30 Welcome by Anna Lawrence, conference chair

10.40 Workshop 1: Community Engagement

Engaging and involving local communities is at the heart of what community woodlands do, but it is an ongoing challenge to connect, and stay connected, with all sections of the community. Speakers from four CWA members will reflect on their experiences of using a range of opportunities and methods to engage and involve local communities.


11.40 Comfort break

11.50 Parallel breakout sessions:

  • Rewilding – Charles Dundas, Borders Forest Trust

  • Marketing forest products - Hester Robertson, Cloud Forest & Lorna Schofield, Wood Knoydart / Knoydart Forest Trust

  • Tree safety – Judith Webb, UHI

  • Managing visitor numbers / making tourism work for communities – Becky Milne, Camping Skye

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Workshop 2: Tackling the climate emergency

The climate emergency is arguably the greatest threat facing humankind, and is high in public consciousness and policy agendas. Our presenters will share some of the projects and initiatives that community woodlands can deliver to contribute to tackling the climate emergency.


14.30 CWA AGM

15.00 close

Jen Pittendreigh