Controlling and eradicating rhododendron: online training event, 24 August 10.30 - 12.00

This free CWA zoom event will include presentations from Gordon Gray Stephens (Native Woods Coop) who has wide experience of planning, funding and managing Rhododendron projects, and Grant Holroyd from the Knoydart Forest Trust, who have carried out a successful large scale eradication programme on the Knoydart estate; followed by a Q&A session.

Topics covered will include:

·         Setting project objectives: eradication or control?

·         Funding for Rhododendron control programmes

·         Partnerships and working with neighbours

·         Control techniques: cut and spray, stem injection, lever and mulch?

·         Advantages and disadvantages of using staff, volunteers or contractors

·         Long term follow-up and site maintenance

To book please email

Jen Pittendreigh