Latest Report
Community woodlands and private sector forest companies (File Size: 1MB)
This guide to working with the private sector was produced by Forestry Commission Scotland, CWA, Confor and Highlands and Islands Enterprise
CWA Branching Out Argyll report (2015) (File Size: 1.9MB)
CWA report to Forestry Commission Scotland on Developing Branching Out in Argyll.
CWA Hydro Coop Structure Report (2016) (File Size:304KB)
CWA commissioned Burness Paull to provide a report on the most appropriate legal model for a co-operative to facilitate investment by community woodland groups in renewables projects. This report was financially supported by a Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES) Start Up Grant. CARES is delivered on behalf of the Scottish Government by Local Energy Scotland.
CWA Survey of Trading from Community Woodlands (2016) (File Size:311KB)
This report analyses the findings from research into trading from community woodlands.
CWA New Community Woodlands in Partnership (2014) (File Size:487KB)
This report summarises the findings from survey work to establish the potential to create new community woodlands through partnership working between communities and land owners.
CWA Resource Sharing for Community Woodlands (2016) (File Size:387KB)
This report explores models of resource sharing amongst community woodland groups to facilitate better community management.
CWA Timber Products Market Research (2) (2011) (File Size:81KB)
This report details the findings from targeted follow up focus meetings looking at wood product development in community woodlands.
CWA Alternative Funding for Acquisitions (2010) (File Size:218KB)
This report investigates alternative sources of funding to raise capital for community land purchase, with a particular focus on the appropriateness and fit of community share issues.
CWA Timber Products Market Research (1) (2011) (File Size:433KB)
This interim report summarises the results of a survey designed to identify what community woodland groups are already doing with regard to production of wood products for sale and what additional support they might require to generate income streams from such production.
Banner Image: Glengarrry Community Woodlands
Photo credit: Tom Cooper