FSC® certification for small and community woodlands: online training event, 23 March, 2.00-3.30pm

What could certification mean for your woodland? Why should you consider it and how would it work? A joint session from Forest Stewardship Council® UK, Community Woodlands Association, Llais y Goedwig and Small Woods Association, looking at the benefits of woodland certification and exploring what it would mean on a practical level for community and small woodlands.


2pm: Welcome and Introduction

2:10pm: What is FSC certification for small and community woodlands all about?

Owen Davies, Forest Standards Manager, FSC UK

2:15pm: Why are we involved?

Maria Wilding, Programme Manager, Llais y Goedwig

Ian Baker, CEO, Small Woods Association

Community Woodlands Association

2:30pm: How does it work in practice?

Control Union, SGS and Soil Association

2:45pm: What do our members think?

3:00pm: Questions and discussion

3:30pm: Finish

You can register here https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcoceusrD0iE9yY6V55qmPDp1ze4Pfcb4ad

For more information or to book a place please contact Amanda at amanda@communitywoods.org

Jen Pittendreigh