CWA AWOO networking event: December 10th by Zoom

Our next 'A Wood of Our Own' Argyll networking event will be held online on the 10th December 10:30-12:30am. Agenda

We will have a presentation from Mike Strachan, Scottish Forestry (Operations and Development Manager, Perth & Argyll Conservancy) as well as member updates from Rob Borusso (Kilfinan Community Forest Company), Neil Donaldson (Argyll Small Woods Cooperative), Richard Whitcomb (Bute Community Land Company), Moray Finch (Mull and Iona Community Trust) and Julie Young from the Argyll & the Isles Coast & Countryside Trust giving an update on the Blarbuie asset transfer.

There will also be an opportunity for virtual networking with coffee and mince pies - please bring your own!

Please register in advance for the event at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

If you have any questions please contact Amanda Calvert:

Jen Pittendreigh