CWA AWOO network event - Mull, 2 March

The next CWA “AWOO” networking event, supported by Scottish Forestry, will be held on the Isle of Mull on Monday 2 March. We’ll be catching the 10am ferry from Mull and heading straight for a site visit to Tiroran Forest hosted by South West Mull and Iona Development, then back to Craignure for an afternoon session with presentations from Scottish Forestry at the An Roth Community Enterprise Centre, before catching 5pm ferry back to Oban.

Presentations will cover:

  • The LTFP process and format - Hazel Boyd (Woodland Officer)

  • The linkage with grants and felling permissions - Hazel Boyd

  • The rules around felling, restocking etc - Tom Davies (Senior Operations Manager)

Support for travel costs will be available, including for delegates from community woodlands outwith Argyll. The booking form is available here - please return completed forms to Jon by 25 February

Jen Pittendreigh