Community Woodland Enterprise CIC (CWE) is the CWA’s new trading subsidiary. CWE will focus on activities where there is a clear need for Scotland-wide co-ordination and marketing and will work in partnership with member groups to:
• produce and market goods and services from community woodlands;
• develop the use of community woodlands as venues for a range of activities and events;
• establish a greater contracting capacity within the sector to facilitate long term sustainable management and development.
CWE will support both CWA and its constituent member groups, who will benefit directly through their own business development and income generation, and indirectly from enhanced CWA support and a higher public profile for the community woodlands sector.
All surpluses generated by CWE’s business activities will be transferred to CWA to support our core delivery of services to community woodland groups.
CWE Consultancy draws on CWA’s extensive experience, skill set, track record and networking contacts in the provision of expert consultancy services.
CWE employs both existing CWA staff, when available and appropriate, and external consultants and Community Woodland Groups for contract delivery.
Specialist activities include:
Business plans & woodland management plans / feasibility studies
Applications to Scotland Rural Development Programme and other funders
Timber surveys, woodfuel resource assessments and feasibility studies
Community feasibility plans for community acquisition of land and / or woodland
Conservation management
Community consultation
Banner Image: Demonstration of portable sawmills at Kirkhill