Fuelwood for Homes and Communities: online training event, 15 January, 11.00am

This is the first in our series of regular online training events, looking at developing fuelwood and biomass supply and the Renewable Heat Incentive. Presenters will be:

Will Richardson: Producing quality fuelwood.

Amanda Calvert: The economic and environmental benefits of producing fuelwood.

Topics will include:

•       The biomass industry and the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)

•       RHI fuel requirements: The biomass suppliers list – what do you need to know?

•       Installing biomass boilers post RHI – for households and communities

•       Community woodland management for woodfuel production

•       Importance of quality standards and certification

•       Key features of fuel quality

There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion.

To register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrcuuurDIsGNKV3uptReD9YiXBUkphe6-w

For more info contact amanda@communitywoods.org

Jen Pittendreigh