Community Learning Exchange (Virtual) 2020/21

The Community Learning Exchange is a fantastic opportunity for communities to learn through the exchange of ideas and the sharing of common solutions. The Exchange operates through the networks (including CWA) that comprise the Scottish Community Alliance and applications must be endorsed by CWA.

With Covid-19 inhibiting face to face meetings, the Community Learning Exchange programme has been reconfigured so that it can be delivered via distance communication applications. This will allow community groups to deliver their knowledge and expertise remotely to other community organisations without losing the most valuable element of the CLE: meeting new people with similar interests; gaining new insights and perspectives on shared challenges; and coming away armed with new ideas and approaches.

The CLE will cover up to 100% of the costs of a virtual learning exchange by members of one community to another community project up to a limit of 13 hours at £35 per hour for planning and delivery. The Exchange will also fund follow-up support between organisations - funding for this additional support will need to be negotiated separately.

Applications to the Community Learning Exchange (Virtual) should be made by community groups which have experience, expertise or knowledge which they are able and willing to share with other groups (as opposed to applications from groups that are keen to learn from visiting other organisations).

For more information contact Jon or the exchange co-ordinators: or call Jane on 07581 216246 or Amanda on 07843 481790. The application form and guidance notes are available at:

Jen Pittendreigh