Between the Trees - Wild Woodland Products as a resource for Community Woodlands: online training event, 12 March, 11.00am

Maria Wilding from Llais Y Goedwig and Lucy, Jenny, and Brian from the Dewis Gwyllt (Choose Wild) project are coming along to talk to us about their non-wood forest product project.

The Dewis Gwyllt (Choose Wild) project is developing and testing supply chains and products from the Community Woodlands of Wales - take a tour of their work on birch sap, wild garlic, elderflower and tree seeds through presentations, video, and discussion. Delve into your own larder to find out what you buy or make that’s wild and local!

The session will start with a look at Wild Woodland products internationally and nationally with a look at FairWild certification and the Star-tree project. They will also set participants a challenge to find products in their cupboards that are wild and local - winner receives a sample of 2020 vintage birch syrup from Wales.

They will then focus on our research and product development on birch tapping and tree seed collection and marketing and round up with what they are planning for the second half of the project - elderflower, essential oils, teas?

The session will round off with an open question and discussion session looking at what Wild Products Scottish Community Woodlands produce and the Wild Larder Competition results and winner.


11.00am: The origins of Dewis Gwyllt – Fairwild and Startree. Introduction to the Wild Larder competition

11.15am: Product Focus – birch tapping – sap to syrup and beyond.

11.25am: Product Focus – Seed collection trials and resources

11.35am: What’s next for Dewis Gwyllt – elderflower, essential oils, teas?

11.45am: Open discussion and questions – Wild Products from Scottish Community Woodlands. Wild Larder Competition results and winner

You can register here

For more information, please contact Amanda at

Jen Pittendreigh