CWA Privacy Notice - Membership

Who we are

The Community Woodlands Association (CWA) is a Scottish Company Limited by the Guarantee (No: SC275097) and Charity (No: SC038374).

Our Registered Office is: Old Poltalloch, Kilmartin, Argyll, PA31 8RQ. 

This privacy notice tells you what data we collect and what we use it for. 

What information do we collect?   

When you apply to become a CWA member, we collect:  

  • Individual membership: details about yourself, your name, address, phone number and email address

  • Organisation/ community woodland group membership: the name, address, phone and email details of the person(s) you nominate to be your CWA Member Contact(s)

How we use the information? 

  • We will use the CWA Member Contact details to communicate with you about your application for membership – to tell you if and when your application is approved, and to communicate with you about annual renewal. 

  • If consent is given during the application process, we register CWA Member Contacts to receive our monthly members bulletin and quarterly member newsletter. We will also use your details to send you details of our AGM and Annual Conference. You can unsubscribe from these at any time by contacting us at  or by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the bulletin and newsletter. 

  • If consent is given during the application process, we will use the CWA Member Contact details to give you access to our CWA Members Google Group. This will allow you to connect with other individual members or groups and include you in conversations pertinent to community woodland groups. It is also a space where the member groups can seek support from other groups. If you wish to be removed from this group, then please contact  

  • We will use a 3rd party system (eg Pandle) to process membership invoices, and hold that information on our database. Any use of 3rd party systems would comply with their privacy policies. 

  • For as long as you are subscribed to the CWA Membership, we may also send you occasional information that may be of interest to you or your group. 

  • We will not share your information with any third parties unless we have asked for your consent to do so. 

  • If your application to join CWA is unsuccessful or we cannot process your application for some reason, your data will be retained for six months then deleted. 

  • When organisations cease to be members of CWA data is retained for six years and then deleted. 

Your rights over your information 

  • By law, you can ask us what information we hold about you, and you can ask us to correct it if it is inaccurate. 

  • You can also ask us to give you a copy of the information and to stop using your information. 

  • To submit a request for your data, please contact us by email, post or telephone, please use the contact information provided above. 

How to contact us 

  • You can contact us by email at: 

Your right to complain 

  • If you have a complaint about our use of your information, you can contact the Information Commissioner's Office online at or by phone on 0303 123 1113